Business details
Type | Franchise |
Cash RequiredThe cash required is the amount of cash you have available or that you can access without referring to a traditional loan (family loans, stock, retirement plans, etc). |
20000 € |
Total InvestmentThe total investment is the total expected spending amount to start their business. This includes the franchise fee and other spending fees such as real estate, staffing, and supplies. |
40.000-80.000 € |
Native Country | Serbia |
Available LocationsThe available locations for franchising are the territories or regions the franchisor is looking to develop. |
All of Eastern Europe |
Total Units (Worldwide) | 1 |
Year Founded | 2017 |
Perfect Surprise

Perfect Surprise is engaged in the design, creation and delivery of personalized gifts for individuals and legal entities.
(To read the text in Serbian language, scroll down)
We propose ideas, design gifts, think of ways to deliver them AND organize everything needed. Our specialty is creative gifts, gestures that take your breath away, surprises that remain a lifetime memory and are talked about for years, because they are made specifically for each person.
In short, we are in the business of making people happy. We help them show each other that they care in a beautiful and unusual way.
We work 365 days a year - for us there are no slow periods because every day is special for someone.
We've been successfully doing business for 5 years with individuals and companies, and so far we have made over 3.000 surprises for different clients. The customer return rate is 80%, and every third customer orders more than 2 surprises.
If you are looking for a no-competition business which is very profitable from day one and brings joy to your life and the lives of your clients, Perfect Surprise franchise is the right choice.
Franchisee Support:
- An already developed business and a well-known brand that has been operating successfully for 5 years;
- Training of franchisees and their employees, assistance in finding new employees;
- Manual in which complete know-how is defined and explained;
- Support during business plan development;
- PR and marketing concepts and support in promotional activities;
- Supplies needed for work and materials for communication with clients (email models, letters, questionnaires, etc.);
- The concept of creating personalized surprises (including offers for individuals and legal entities, the way packages are made, formulas and instructions for creating each surprise);
- Specific procedures for designing and implementing personalized surprises (including Surprise Boxes)· Examples of 20 surprises;
- The concept of how to form and manage a supplier base (types, number, contractual relationships, etc.);
- The concept of how to form and manage a client base (including business conditions, privacy rules, etc.)
Savršeno iznenadenje se bavi osmišljavanjem, kreiranjem i isporucivanjem personalizovanih poklona za fizicka i pravna lica.
Predlažemo ideje, osmišljavamo poklone, nacine na koje da ih isporucimo I organizujemo sve što je potrebno. Naša specijalnost su kreativni darovi, gestovi od kojih zastaje dah, iznenadenja koja ostaju u uspomenama za ceo život i o kojima se godinama prica, jer se prave posebno za svaku osobu.
Ukratko, mi se bavimo usrecivanjem ljudi. Pomažemo im da na lep i neobican nacin pokažu jedni drugima da im je stalo.
Radimo 365 dana u godini i za nas period niže sezonalnosti ne postoji jer svaki dan je za nekoga poseban.
Uspešno poslujemo vec 5 godina sa fizickim licima i sa kompanijama, i do sada smo napravili preko 3.000 iznenadenja za razlicite klijente. Stopa vracanja klijenata je 80%, a svaki treci klijent narucuje više od 2 iznenadenja.
Ukoliko ste u potrazi za biznisom koji je veoma profitabilan od prvog dana, bez konkurencije i unosi radost u Vaš život I živote Vaših klijenata, franšiza Savršeno iznenadenje je pravi izbor.
Podrška primaocu franšize:
- Vec razvijen biznis i poznat brend koji uspešno posluje 5 godina;
- Obuka primaoca franšize i njihovih zaposlenih, pomoc u pronalaženju novozaposlenih;
- Prirucnik u kome je definisan i objašnjen kompletan know–how;
- Podrška prilikom razvoja biznis plana;
- PR i marketinški koncept i podrška u promotivnim aktivnostima prilikom preuzimanja posla;
- Potrošne materijale potrebne za rad i materijale za komunikaciju sa klijentima (modeli mejlova, pisama, upitnici itd);
- Koncept kreiranja personalizovanih iznenadenja (ukljucujuci i ponude za fizicka i pravna lica, nacin izrade paketa, formule i upustva za izradivanje svakog iznenadenja);
- Konkretne procedure za osmišljavanje i realizaciju personalizovanih iznenadenja (ukljucujuci i Kovcežice iznenadenja);
- Primere 20 realnih iznenadenja;
- Koncept nacina formiranja i vodenja baze dobavljaca (vrste, broj, ugovorni odnosi itd.);
- Koncept nacina formiranja i vodenja baze klijenata (ukljucujuci i uslove poslovanja, pravila privatnosti itd.).