Friendly Fire
Friendly Fire

Business details


Opportunity details
Type Franchise
Cash RequiredThe cash required is the amount of cash you have available or that you can access without referring to a traditional loan (family loans, stock, retirement plans, etc).
25000 €
Total InvestmentThe total investment is the total expected spending amount to start their business. This includes the franchise fee and other spending fees such as real estate, staffing, and supplies.
€80.000 - €120.000
Native Country Switzerland/USA
Available LocationsThe available locations for franchising are the territories or regions the franchisor is looking to develop.
All of Eastern Europe
Total Units (Worldwide) 10
Year Founded 2017

Friendly Fire

Friendly Fire

Meet the next big franchise brand!

It's not a niche anymore.
8/10 Gen Z are gamers.

Join the industry growing 20% year-over-year with the business you will enjoy running. Don't miss out on capturing the market in the early stage.

What is Friendly Fire?

Think of Starbucks, but with a lot of computers and consoles.
And more social interactions between visitors.
And energy drinks instead of coffee.
And more fun.

Friendly Fire is to Gen Z what Starbucks is to Millennials.
The place to hang out.

Do people really visit gaming cafes nowadays?

Everyone has a gaming device at home now.
Same as everyone has a coffee machine at home.

Still, you go to a bar.

It's not about coffee.
It's about spending time with friends.

It's not about games.
It's about spending time with friends.

How can I get the Friendly Fire franchise?

The process is fast and simple:

1. Apply for the Friendly Fire franchise (it will take 3 minutes)
2. We will set up a call and talk about the details.
3. If we match, you can open your Friendly Fire in less than 3 months!

Here are 4 key elements in operations that make owning a Friendly Fire franchise an easy and smooth experience.

1. Only a few employees

A manager and a couple of part-time employees are all it takes to run the Friendly Fire franchise.

Also, you will never have problems with finding employees as working in Friendly Fire is every student's dream job.

Onboarding new employees? Just let them watch the training videos and they will be ready in no time. You can feel the envy of QSR franchisees. 

2. Low operation costs

Since over 70% of revenues come from the services you provide and you hire only a few employees, at the end of the month there will not be much to pay, aside from rent, utilities and salaries.

This does wonder to your cash flow.

3. You don't need to be present full time

We know you will enjoy being a visitor in your Friendly Fire, but there is no real need to spend all of your time in one location as the vast majority of tasks will be on autopilot.

4. Software will do the hard work for you

Imagine all the software and hardware you need to maintain. More than 50 computers with all the drivers and games that need updates and all the mess you need to clean after your customers. With Friendly Fire, the only mess you will need to deal with is cans of drinks staying behind your happy customers. Everything else will be dealt with by our powerful software.

What is so special about this software?

Friendly Fire is all about the software that helps you run the operations.
Software is a key component in Friendly Fire DNA.

At the heart of our software are machine learning algorithms that run through the massive amounts of data we collect. 

This allows us to match similar customers, create customized push notifications, automatically adjust dynamic prices, personalize offers, make short-term predictions, and much more.

Friendly Fire software is made from over 20 different modules working together to create a smooth experience and easy operations.

You will learn all about them later. Now, let's focus on 3 most important for your operations:

1) Dynamic Pricing

Remember how Uber is more expensive when it rains?
Do you happen to collect miles with your favorite airline too?

Friendly Fire combines all of that into a fully dynamic pricing model that is influenced by both the demand and customer loyalty points.

We did it by inventing the Coin.
It is our virtual currency that replaced time and money.

You heard the story of how there are no clocks in casinos.

We don't relate to gambling, but we know how to remove friction from the experience of spending time and money in Friendly Fire.

We don't talk about price per hour anymore.
We talk about collecting coins and how we had a lot of fun doing it!

2) App

Interact with your customers when they are not in Friendly Fire.
Remind them about Friendly Fire all the time.

Send them a notification, for free.

Or just let our AI send them a notification at the perfect moment, just as they are about to finish school for today.

Over 75% of Friendly Fire customers will have the App installed.
Less than 4% of hotel guests will install the hotel's app.

The most valuable real estate in the world is an icon on your customers' phone home screen. We make sure we are there.

3) Loyalty program

Digital age customers hate old-fashioned loyalty programs.

The reason for this is that loyalty programs are designed after the product and pricing were formed, pretending that they are rewarding customers while trying to take more from them.

In Friendly Fire, we took a different approach.

We designed the whole system around the loyalty program.
Basically, the software will make sure customers are treated when they should and exactly how much they should.

There is no need for your manager or employee to worry about it.
Average Friendly Fire revenues got 20% higher after we introduced the loyalty program in 2018. Since then, we only kept improving and balancing it.

What support will I receive?

Supporting you is our top priority.
Your success is our success.
Your failure is our failure.

Our mission is to have profitable and satisfied franchisees.

That's why we encourage you to talk to our existing franchisees and ask them about their experiences. It's easy to reach them by checking our list of locations and giving them a call or writing them an email.

Our support is present throughout your entire Friendly Fire journey.

We provide you with: 

  • Startup assistance
  • Training
  • Technical Support
  • Marketing

Ready for the future? Apply now!

It will take 3 minutes of your time.
We promise to get back to you in a day.
If we match, you can get your Friendly Fire open in less than 3 months.